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The ResponseSynthesizer is responsible for sending the query, nodes, and prompt templates to the LLM to generate a response. There are a few key modes for generating a response:

  • Refine: "create and refine" an answer by sequentially going through each retrieved text chunk. This makes a separate LLM call per Node. Good for more detailed answers.
  • CompactAndRefine (default): "compact" the prompt during each LLM call by stuffing as many text chunks that can fit within the maximum prompt size. If there are too many chunks to stuff in one prompt, "create and refine" an answer by going through multiple compact prompts. The same as refine, but should result in less LLM calls.
  • TreeSummarize: Given a set of text chunks and the query, recursively construct a tree and return the root node as the response. Good for summarization purposes.
  • SimpleResponseBuilder: Given a set of text chunks and the query, apply the query to each text chunk while accumulating the responses into an array. Returns a concatenated string of all responses. Good for when you need to run the same query separately against each text chunk.
import {
} from "llamaindex";

const responseSynthesizer = new ResponseSynthesizer();

const nodesWithScore: NodeWithScore[] = [
node: new TextNode({ text: "I am 10 years old." }),
score: 1,
node: new TextNode({ text: "John is 20 years old." }),
score: 0.5,

const response = await responseSynthesizer.synthesize(
"What age am I?",

API Reference